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TC Agam (picciz) TC Agam (picciz)

"We interrupt your regularly scheduled propa-chan-da for... what started as posing and composition practice for me before the awards were announced and I made some hasty edits"

This is soooooo fucking good, the pose is really on brand, the framing is so cool, the- Oh we're short on time? Like 60 fanart or more? Sorry. Great art!

Originally seen at 1984 Gif here (7th of December 2023)

Tc Agam (picciz) Tc Agam (picciz)

"based on events that appear to occur every 5 minutes or so in the rabi ribi streams - and a strange image that occurred to me when joe was talking about using a bat to beat a zombie"

It quite literally got funnier every time, I kept pinning the good first time messages from chatters absolutely blindsided by it. Quite the tonal whiplash in this week for stream games huh? Thank you Paw Patrol. This is just going to appreciate in value as a pocket story we have, matter of factly explaining "Zuma from Paw Patrol made me a bunny girl", like me and that one mario kart story.

Originally seen at janArt Initiative Activated (28th July 2023)